These creatures are very vicious. It wasn't even afraid of me!! It is hissing at me and getting ready to attack. Nonetheless it was very exciting to the kids! They built it a house and want to know if they can have it for a pet!
Looks and sounds like you might want to get a cat or maybe a fish to start for the kids. Having a pet is just part of growing up. I would suggest a cat over a dog anyday. You don't have to do much for a cat you can even train it to go to the bathroom outside!
Looks and sounds like you might want to get a cat or maybe a fish to start for the kids. Having a pet is just part of growing up. I would suggest a cat over a dog anyday. You don't have to do much for a cat you can even train it to go to the bathroom outside!
Congratulations TJ on your baptism! I'm glad to see what you're up to in all your new posts!
Well, if you're not going to let the kids keep him, can I? He's so darn cute!!! (i'm on their side, can you tell)
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